I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity.
Edgar Allen Poe

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.
- H. L. Mencken

Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so
-Bertrand Russell

What I have been telling you, from alpha to omega, what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is miraculous. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to awaken at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to rejoice in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a tomato-can, it would not alter that big fact, nor my fixed faith. No Harrowby, the common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very dull we are ...
-James Branch Cabell

August 22, 2007 - 12:19 p.m.

People are Stalking Me

I didn't update yesterday and now have no memory of what I did on Monday. I hope it wasn't something really exciting. It isn't easy not having a brain.

Yesterday on the other hand I remember well and it was a busy day.

Saburah was in from Toronto and I spent the day with her. We usually don't make real plans we just walk around the city and see what we see. Her hotel is a block from Penn Station, which made things really easy for me. I hoped on the LIRR and was with her 45 minutes after leaving my house.

Last time we got together I tried to take her to Petite Abeille and found to my disappointment it was out of business. There was a new place there. When I asked about it I was just told it was closed. Chris recently told me that they had just moved a block away. I wish the person I had asked had told me. So our plan yesterday was to walk down there. It isn't that far, just about a mile from her hotel. The problem was that it was cold and raining and Saburah wasn't prepared for that in New York in August. We tried to find a poncho for her. We went into Jack's and Webers, stores that would normally have them and they were sold out. Sab was still impressed with the stores. Jacks is a mega 99 cent store if you can imagine such a thing. Yes everything really is 99 cents or two or three for 99 cents.

We finally found something at a Duane Reade. It was a bit small but it kept her legs dry. We finally made our way down to 17th street and Petite Abeille's new location. We were happy to discover that it was totally wheelchair accessible. It was a new place and up to code. It is always a fun place with a Tin Tin motif and Belgian food. I was disappointed though, they got rid of the best things on the menu, the sweet waffles. I ended up getting a sandwich and a regular waffle with ice cream and syrup for desert. It was really good but not special like the old waffles.

We then just walked down into Greenwich Village to enjoy the neighborhood. We went CD shopping and kept looking for someplace for Sab to buy funky rain boots. We couldn't find anything her size though. We kept heading south and east which worked for me as I wanted to go the Living Room that night. Sab had plans to meet another friend in Union Square. We ended up parting around 6:30. It was a typical day with Sab, we just enjoyed each other's company and enjoyed each other enjoying the city. I love that she loves New York. She's from Toronto but we decided that she is really a New Yorker that is just there temporarily.

There were two concerts I wanted to see last night, Diana Jones and Kelly Flint's Upstairs Session. I thought I'd have to choose then I realized that Diana's show was at the Living Room at 7 and the Upstairs Session was at Googies Lounge, upstairs at the Living Room at 8 so I could do both.

As I walked down Houston I saw someone with his back to me talking on a cell phone and thought it was Kelly's husband and bass player Jeff. I was right. He got off the call and we walked together for a bit till I stopped to get pizza. I decided to try out a new place, not the one I usually go to in the area. Jeff said he was just wondering if it was any good. It was all right, nothing special.

When I got to the Living Room I immediately saw Kelly and she was on her way in to talk to Diana to ask her about doing an upstairs session. I had suggested that she do that and as she heard Diana on John Platt's show Sunday she didn't need much convincing.

I said hi to Diana then went to sit with Sharon. Sharon is stalking me, I think this was my fourth time seeing her in eight days. She was at the WFUV party, Isabel's party, and one other show I went to this week.

After Diana's show I went upstairs for Kelly's show. The upstairs sessions are not concerts by Kelly. She hosts what is essentially a talk show with two other singer/songwriters. She interviews them, they sing songs, and sometimes Kelly sings some too. Last night her guests were Erik Balkey and Jerry Giddens. I'm a fan of Erik but I had never seen Jerry.

The show actually started early, I missed the introductions. For the first time I ran into someone i know there, Howard, a WFUV volunteer that I had just seen at the party. He is a friend of a friend of Kelly's.

Right after I sat down Jeff came and joined me. A few minutes later Pat Wictor came in and sat at the next table. Pat did an upstairs session with Kelly in July and had performed at Madison Square a few weeks ago with Diana. Folk is a small world.

I was quite tired by the end of the show and planned on heading straight home but I ended up hanging out with Kelly, Jeff, Erik, and Pat. Pat also had planned on leaving early but we both found it hard to leave. Kelly was excited because Anna Egge was playing at 10 in the main room and insisted that we go listen to her so we did. I've seen Anna before but I'm not sure where. I think she might have opened for TMBG when I saw them in DC. I liked her but was not as impressed with her as Kelly is.

Kelly decided that she wants to be the subject of a documentary and that I'm the one to make it. She really has an incredibly busy life. She is a singer/songwriter that books and hosts the upstairs session. Her day job is the world of advertising; she works with the biggest commercial directors making million dollar deals. Then on top of that she has a six-year-old autistic son. Oh yes, and she is writing a book about it all. This isn't a pie in the sky thing either; she has a publisher. So it would make an interesting film. I don't know why she thought of me to make it. She says she wants it to be my vision. I don't really think I'll be able to do anything about it but I told her I'd ask around if I found anyone who actually knows how to make a film.

I didn't regret hanging out after the show because it was with fun people. I did regret that once I got on the subway I had to wait forever for a train. That led to missing my Long Island Railroad train home by one minute! I didn't get home till 12:30 AM. I was tired by then.

Today is going to be easy the tomorrow I'm driving down to Atlantic City to see Leah again. This time we'll actually make it to see Harry Potter and the Order of Tucson . Sab just told me that the end is in 3-D. I'm glad we are seeing it at the IMAX.

One of Lisa's friends took a picture of the two of us when I saw her on Saturday. Here it is.

Lisa always makes a great photographic subject. Maybe she'll rub off on me.

I keep forgetting to show you my pictures from the Emerging Artist Showcase at FRFF.

Sandy Cash who came all the way from Israel

Can anybody tell me who this is?

Anthony Da Costa and Greg Klyma

Anthony in a Chuck Berry pose

What's my favorite radio station?

The Anthony fan club

You can find the rest of the photos in this album.

I had other stuff to write about but I'll save it for tomorrow.

Oh yes, look at the very sad report on the Batnoses.

I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge:
please hold me accountable.

Memories: Not that Horrid Song - May 29, 2018
Wise Madness is Now In Session - May 28, 2018
The NFL and the First Amendment - May 27, 2018
On The Road Again - May 26, 2018
Oliver the Three-Eyed Crow - May 25, 2018

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Horvendile August 22, 2007
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