I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity. Edgar Allen Poe
The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all. - H. L. Mencken Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so -Bertrand Russell What I have been telling you, from alpha to omega, what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is miraculous. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to awaken at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to rejoice in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a tomato-can, it would not alter that big fact, nor my fixed faith. No Harrowby, the common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very dull we are ... -James Branch Cabell
November 24, 2013 - 12:24 p.m. Wahoo! Today I'm actually better. Yesterday I was in that strange state where I don't feel sick but I'm missing the spark I have when I'm healthy. Today I'm running on all cylinders. I slept half the day away yesterday but didn�t sleep well last night as I kept having go to the bathroom but I know that's part of the healing process. And I was right, I'm healed. Is it obvious to everyone that when I'm healthy I'm a high energy person. It's one of the few colloquial uses of energy that I'll accept. It really is close to the technical definition, the ability to do work. I bounce off the walls when I'm right. Not all my friends are high energy and that's fine. I don't want all my friends to be just like me. But there was one woman that I really liked that I didn't pursue because her energy was too low. That's a decision that I often second guess. Not much to write about yesterday. I spent it in bed. I was supposed to see Diana Jones at Kathryn's House Concerts. I love Diana and I love Kathryn and I know I'd have friends there and there would even be really good sausage! I tried to drag myself out of bed to get dressed but couldn't. Yes I could have gotten my clothes on and even made it to the subway but I'd have then collapsed. I pretty much collapsed just thinking of doing it. I know my body very well. Being sick is like everything else, you get good at it with practice. My spirits kept up for the most part. It was tough because I couldn't read and even watching a movie would be tough. Talking to people was about the only recreation I was up to. I didn't get to talk on the phone but I had a really nice online talk with Jodie. We talked about something very personal but also geeked out. I love discussing if Superman does health scans for his friends and the issues involved with his laundry and personal grooming. How does he cut his hair? Does he send his suit out to be dry cleaned? How did his mother cut the indestructible cloth to make the costume? Doesn't he really need more than one? The only question I could answer was what he does with his clothes. In one comic they said there's a secret compartment in his cape where he keeps his clothes. Turntable FM is gone but Carey discovered a substitute Plug DJ. It's a place where people take turns playing DJ and playing for their friends. It only seems to work well when you play YouTube videos. The Sound Cloud option never loads. It isn't as good as Turntable but what I got to play with Carey and her husband Neal and that's the part that I like best. Neal and I got to geek out about Tolkien and the eventual fate of Hobbits and Elves. Carey was upset there was no other women around to talk about Denny Wilson's lips. I have almost no food in the house and when I started to feel up to eating late in the afternoon I needed food. So I ate everything I had, bacon and eggs and then Nathan's bagel dogs. Hey the peanut butter is sort of healthy. It is all natural. And of course I am now feeling great. I'm stuck on things to write about. I was thinking about religion, well actually atheism vs agnosticism, or libertarianism, or a guide to my literary references but instead I'm going to write about a CD from someone you probably don�t' know well if you are out of my local musical circles, Scott Wolfson and Other Heroes, And I might then write about the other stuff. I don't usually write long musical reviews. Scott is one of those people that I knew socially before I knew his music. Well that's not quite technically correct as I think I heard him at the Jack Hardy memorial where I met so many other people that became good friends. Jack was the king of networking even in death. His memorial service made my life better from the people I met. I might have met Scott before then. My earliest memories of him are lost in the depths of time. He's someone that I progressively knew better. He was in a band with Mark Allen Berube before I knew Mark. Anyway I always have trepidation about the music of people I know socially. While someone being interesting makes it more likely for them to be good songwriters, I know they have something to say, it is far from a guarantee. But Scott got the Budgiedome Seal of Approval and I'm listening to the band's new CD as I write this. I'm still working on my NERFA backlog. He was of course not a NERFA discovery and didn't listen to him there as I knew him. I am so tempted to say that what I like about Scotts music is what I like about Scott, weirdness. Remember I always use weird as a compliment and I get the feeling that Scott would be insulted if I said he wasn't weird. But the thing is that some of his songs are weird. You Can't Break Me Again is a jaunty tune about dark subject matter. Cognitive dissonance is the word I'm trying to avoid but it's the right word. But usually when I use it for Scott it's because of songs like Memory of a Fall which is lyrical, moving, and beautiful. Scott sings like an angel. And that's where the dissonance kicks in as he's no angel. He's not evil, not a demon, maybe an imp. He comes across as cynical and sarcastic but he can write a song that makes you go "awwww." Of course then he writes Apocalypse Caf� which is exactly what you'd expect him to write. If you put Scott in a box it has to be a fractal box. This is a nice portrait of Scott OK that filled out the entry nicely. Now I can eat. I'm so excited that I can eat with an appetite. I'll make a Taylor Ham omelet. It can't be peanut butter as I finished that last night. I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge: please hold me accountable.
Memories: Not that Horrid Song - May 29, 2018
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