I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity. Edgar Allen Poe
The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all. - H. L. Mencken Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so -Bertrand Russell What I have been telling you, from alpha to omega, what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is miraculous. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to awaken at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to rejoice in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a tomato-can, it would not alter that big fact, nor my fixed faith. No Harrowby, the common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very dull we are ... -James Branch Cabell
September 27, 2016 - 11:04 p.m. I just posted on Facebook that I'm too tired to blog. Now I'm blogging. Am I just being contrary with myself? Part of me just wants to watch Doctor Who. I haven't been able to do that in days but I have the need to write too. Thing is it's hard to watch Doctor who here in the day, it's too bright in this room. Maybe I'll figure something out. but I'm writing. I just checked I last wrote Sunday night, a little less than two days ago. OK, here's the deal. I'm going to attempt to write and if I get too tired finish it tomorrow. I'm going to leave out a lot of details as I've had full days since I last wrote. The WFUV pledge drive started Sunday. I worked 11½ hours. I then took it easy on Monday and went in late. I didn't start till 9 AM instead of 6 AM. This is a weird drive. I'm only going in that early once and that's only because I'm insane. I even left early on Monday, 5:45 PM. I'm a total slacker. Even that would be hard if Jane wasn't the nicest person in the world and drove me in the morning. I have pretty much no memory left of the day. Since her birthday I have been saying that Lori not LORi loves me. I made her a name tag that said, "Lori Loves Gordon." She made me pose for a picture of the two of us with her wearing it. The reason I had to leave early was to meet Kevin for dinner before we went to see Anaïs Mitchell at Rockwood Music Hall stage 3. We ate across the street at Georgia's BBQ. I love that place; the fried chicken is so damn good. Know what else was so damned good, our conversation. How many people can you have an in depth discussion of the effects of global warming and the resultant rise in sea level on future of New York City and real estate prices. We also discussed the effects on Florida and Bangladesh. I'm on optimist on New York. We'll do something to keep the city viable. Not as much on the other two, especially the latter as they have so few resources. We better just make real progress on cutting carbon emissions. Our conversation was so good that we were not the first people on line and ended up in horror of horrors the third row. The place is tiny; it was not bad at all. The performance was magnificent. My long-time Gentle Readers will know how much I love Anaïs. From the first time I saw her I knew she was brilliant and she's grown since then. In some ways she is the opposite of Dar Williams who I saw the night before. Dar's songs are personal and gentle though subversive. Her singing is sweet and lyrical. Anaïs's voice is edgier and her songs' subjects more extrospective. What they have in common is genius; there is more than one way to build a better mousetrap. Accompanying Anaïs on the piano was a familiar face, even to these faltering eyes, Liam Robinson of Robinson & Rohe. That wasn't too much of a surprise though I've never seen them play together as he was the music director of Hadestown, Anaïs's Folk Opera that had a very successful off-Broadway run in the late spring/early summer. Anaïs had a number or special guests, Heather Christian, Gabriel Kahane, and much of the cast of Hadestown, Nabiyah Be (Eurydice), Lulu Fall, Jesse Shelton, and, Shaina Taub (the Fates) and Patrick Page (Hades). They did quite a few numbers from Hadestown. There was one we all expected. We were missing the debate to see this show and Anaïs mentioned it quite a few times. We sent out thought waves to help. That's why it turned out as well as it did. One of the songs in Hadestown is Why Do We Build a Wall sung by Hades who is a Plutocrat, see what I did there? That is the authoritarian ruler of Hadestown who says his control is the price for him giving people jobs. He also keeps out the foreigners that want them. Sound familiar? Yet when Anaïs announced that it was the last song, it wasn't Why Do We Build a Wall. But when that song was over Patrick Page came out of the wings onto the stage and they cast sang it. It powerful and the crowd went crazy. I'm not sure if I ever saw a standing ovation at Rockwood 3 before. I commented to Kevin that it was odd that neither of us knew anyone in the audience. It's a small room and I looked around. When the show ended I went over to say hi to Liam. When I did I heard a familiar voice come from the shadows and say hi to me. It was Jean Rohe, the other half of Robinson & Rohe. That was perfect as I've been comparing Jean to Anaïs since I recognized that Jean's talent is of the same magnitude. Not many people's are. They have grand visions. We went upstairs and I said hi to Anaïs. I love that she's having the start of the success she deserves. Then I had to head home as I had another day at WFUV today. I took the subway with Kevin who also lives on the green line. I live much further up the green line, the very last stop. And then it's a bus ride. It was almost midnight before I got home. It would have been well after midnight if I didn't decide that sleep was more important than money and took a cab from the subway. I had just missed the bus and they run every half an hour. Today I took a break from volunteering to go across Fordham Rd to the Department of Motor Vehicles that was so convenient. I went to change my address on my license. If I knew how easy it was I would have done it every time I moved since I've been a gypsy. I needed to change it so I could register to vote. I thought I'd need some proof of my address and that would be a problem. But it wasn't. I can't believe how efficient the DMV has become. I waited on a short line to talk to a woman who told people where to go. Then I went on another short line to use the self-service terminals. It scanned my driver's license and all I had to do was add my new address. Voila. It's City Island is now my legal residence. When I got home I went online to the board of elections site and switched my residence there. When I tried that before I couldn't because it didn't match my driver's license. So now I can vote for Hillary. Three Cheers. As I'm in the Bronx that makes them Bronx Cheers. OK so now I'm caught up. Oh not quite Lori will be disappointed if I didn't mention that when I came in I found that had made me a nametag that said "Gordon Loves Lori." So I made her one for today with hearts. I can't wait till October 1st. That was not a non-sequitur. OK, tomorrow I'm not volunteering I'm going to therapy. Maybe I'll get to write more when I get home for that. But I'm getting up around 5 AM the next day so I might not. We'll see. I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge: please hold me accountable.
Memories: Not that Horrid Song - May 29, 2018
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