I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity. Edgar Allen Poe
The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all. - H. L. Mencken Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so -Bertrand Russell What I have been telling you, from alpha to omega, what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is miraculous. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to awaken at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to rejoice in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a tomato-can, it would not alter that big fact, nor my fixed faith. No Harrowby, the common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very dull we are ... -James Branch Cabell
November 08, 2014 - 12:27 p.m. I did something yesterday that means this should be easy to write but I'm feeling uneasy. Maybe I transformed into a giant vermin while I dreamed. I haven't looked in a mirror yet so I can't say for sure. Last night I traveled East to the fair Garden Stage to see not one but two great bands, The Lords of Liechtenstein and Cricket Tell The Weather. I marched for both for them. As the Lord's representative I felt I should dress the part. I am an official Lord, Dan calls me Lordon. The Garden Stage is in Garden City but one of the easiest places to get to on the Island as it's just two blocks from the train station. Even though sat still for 10 minutes I made my train with plenty of time I leave a cushion for things like that to happen. I took that selfie on the train before we emerged from underground. Once I did I spent the trip talking to Katrina. I was one of those people having a private conversation on the train. I just wasn't one of those people doing it loudly. I doubt anyone else could hear what I was saying. Of course I told Katrina that the whole train heard. I wanted to get to the show early as I've never marched for Cricket and didn't know their setup. OK it was just to have more schmoozing time.. I had to tell the Lords' parents that I turned down their Thanksgiving invitation because I got invited to a dinner that featured bacon. I mean who wouldn't understand that? I'm talking bacon here. There's a line in Girlz with a Z "I want to find a girl that shares my love for baking." I always sing it "my love for bacon." This is extra good as their whole family are vegans. I'm a meatan. I'll always have plenty of friends at a show at the Garden Stage. I sat with Gene & Isabel and talked to Daria, Bob, Marty, the usual people that I am totally forgetting because I'm an idiot, and Joanne and Stephen who run the series. Exciting news just in. I went to the bathroom, no that's not the news, but I looked in the mirror while I was there and I am NOT a giant vermin. That's a relief. I heard that. Saying "oh you did transform" is not funny. Look what I have to put up with. So the Lords are now one of the bands I see the most often. I call them "my boys." That might mean I have run out of things to say about them. Nah, I got one thing. One thing they do that I love is write songs about ridiculous things like monsters, and fill them with meaning and social commentary. The dichotomy funny/serious is false. Funny songs can make you think of important things and many a sad song is not serious but rather emotional manipulation. Noah
During the break I raced to the break room and bought my trifle and ate it before the rest orf the crowd showed up and I had to sell CDs. As you have probably guessed, the trifle is my real reason for traveling all the way out there. Cricket Tell the Weather is a fairly new member of my "My musicians." I'm still playing getting to know you with them. So here's the thing they play what people who don't know bluegrass call "bluegrass" and people who do know bluegrass call "not bluegrass." This is not an uncommon thing. To most people bluegrass means there's a banjo. The members of Cricket Tell the Weather are bluegrass musicians and they met each other in the bluegrass world but like all of us they don't live in just one musical world. They are string band, guitar, fiddle, banjo, and bass. Some of the music verges on rock. Some on folk. Some on country. Some are singer/songwriter. Instruments don't define the genre. If you hate bluegrass you might very well love Cricket Tell the Weather. If you love bluegrass but are not a fundamentalist you might love Cricket Tell The Weather. If you have no taste you won't love them. There are a lot of string bands out there now. Lots of bands influenced by Bluegrass but that don't play bluegrass. So what sets them apart? Gene said exactly what I was thinking, "It's not that they do something different than everyone else it's that they do it better."
I was wearing my Lords sweater vest but I was representing Cricket Tell the Weather too. So I had to show that? How? This: They have a stamp so I stamped my forehead with their logo. I'm hard core. Or I'm an idiot. Well we know I'm an idiot but there is no reason I can't be both. I love these guys and I want to show it. I'm not good at repressing love. The timing was good for catching the train home. It got cold! Good thing I had a sweater vest on under my leather jacket. I often complain about people who don't know they take up space and do things like stop and stand on stairs or in doorways. But yesterday as I was walking to the subway I realized just how good most people are about it .A train had just let out and I had to make my way through people streaming out of the station as did a few others. Without any discussion people subtly change their path as did I and I always found a whole through what was an almost solid mass. It's a pretty amazing skill that people that live in close quarters have developed. I'm pretty sure it's not innate as out-of-towners seem to often have difficulty with it. OK time for me to eat .I think I'm going to make a � no. I decided to stop telling you what I'm making for breakfast every day. This is going to be hard at first but I'm breaking away from that trope for now. Good thing I'm hungry. That will pull me away from the computer. I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge: please hold me accountable.
Memories: Not that Horrid Song - May 29, 2018
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