I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity. Edgar Allen Poe
The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all. - H. L. Mencken Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so -Bertrand Russell What I have been telling you, from alpha to omega, what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is miraculous. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to awaken at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to rejoice in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a tomato-can, it would not alter that big fact, nor my fixed faith. No Harrowby, the common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very dull we are ... -James Branch Cabell
May 19, 2018 - 3:30 p.m. I slept until after noon. Then I wasted several hours. This was not a good day to do that. Now I must rush through writing on a day when I have things to write about. And this is the best mental health day I've had in a week. Imagine if anxiety were crushing me. Yesterday was Friday, that means therapy. It was a productive therapy session, thus my having my best mental health for a week. A concert and my friends helped too. That was immediately followed by an appointment with my psychiatrist. From there I had to get to Jersey City. So, what happened? Jane was busy, so I had to take the bus to the Metro North, that adds 50 minutes to my trip. Then the psychiatrist fell 33 minutes behind, so I only had time for a 7-minute session. I had given myself a 10-minute cushion. To make the timing work I had to take a cab from the hospital to the train station. I have never done that before. I could have taken the half-hour walk to the train station but that meant taking a later train and not getting to Spiral Sounds Concerts early. I'd have gotten there before the music but not early enough to help set up and schmooze. I didn't get there super early, but I beat the artist, Lipbone Redding there. He was stuck in traffic. My help was needed more than usual as Loyse, was away on a business trip and Gidge had to do everything himself till I got there. The main thing I did was open the door and check people in. I like that as I get to meet everyone. I don't like that as I don't get to hang out and schmooze during the pre-concert snackfest. Fine, you know me too well, it's missing the snacks that hurts. For the second Spiral Sounds show in a row I brought a talented musician friend; this time it was Genevieve. Gidge is going to start to think people don't avoid me like the plague. When Gen came she solved both the problems of working the door. She brought me down food and hung out with me. I have found that there are few problems that can't be overcome with extra-good salami, cashews, and an intelligent, talented, beautiful woman. For the really tough problems you need chocolate too. There was an upside to Lipbone being late, his arrival turned out just the way I wished. I've known Lipbone for ages. He played the Budgiedome. He played my house. We always have a warm and adolescent male hello. He's said things like, "I love that porn you sent me." This time I said, "I haven't seen you ages, the last time was on the video you did with Stormy Daniels." I was glad that Gidge didn't tell Lipbone I'd be there. This way when I opened the door he was surprised. His reaction on seeing me was just what I wanted. It was not, "Oh, hell, you're here? I'm asking for more money." Lipbone on stage cannot be compared to anyone. There's only one Lipbone. He writes and sings great blues and story songs. Lots of people do that. But he is as funny as all hell, weaving these amazing stories into the music. He's also a master of oral sound effects. His name is a contraction of Lip Trombone, I just figured that out yesterday because I'm an idiot. To be honest the sound he makes sounds more like a trumpet. If you weren't looking you'd swear someone was playing one. He can also do perfect imitations of subways, poorly running cars, planes, and weather. He could have a career as a novelty act but that's not what he does. They all work in service to the songs and stories. It's not about showing off what he can do. I get enthused about many artists but with most I know they aren't for everyone's taste. I love intricate instrumental music, some people get bored by that .I love bluegrass, that drives some people nuts. I would take any of my friends to see Lipbone, even ones that aren't music people, and feel confident they'd have a great time. Why has he not played all the major festivals? If you are a presenter, why haven't you presented him. Take my word for it; If you expose your audience to him as an opener and then invite him back to headline he'll pack the house. When I see shows at Spiral Sounds I need to race home to make the last bus to City Island. That didn't happen of course. I introduced Gen to Lipbone and Gidge and we spent a lot of time talking with each. I have fascinating friends, they want to learn about each other. Gen has worked in wildlife conservation in South Africa the last eight years. Conservation is one of Gidge's pet causes. They started making plans to save the world. I told them that the Nobel can be shared three ways so that when they win the Peace Prize I get a share for introducing them. Gen drove me down to Exchange Place where I get the PATH train. The location is gorgeous, right on the Hudson with a perfect view of lower Manhattan. It's the counterweight to the Promenade in Brooklyn . I wanted to make sure that she saw it. We said our goodbyes, which of course dragged out, then I headed to the PATH. I was lucky. There's construction going on that I didn't know about. The trains usually run all night but last night the last one left at 11:38. I got there at 11:29. Whew. I got home at 1:30 and was going to go straight to bed. I decided to check just one thing online. That stretched out and then I was so tired I didn't get up from my seat. I kept nodding off, looking at the computer, then nodding off. This went on until 4 AM. That's why I slept so late. Coco said that the video I made for the show at First Acoustics was perfect but I wanted to tweak it with some new photos Katherine sent me. I'm not going to have time for that now. I still must move things from the Cloud to my computer, so I can access them tonight. That's my cue to post this. I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge: please hold me accountable.
Memories: Not that Horrid Song - May 29, 2018
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