I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity. Edgar Allen Poe
The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all. - H. L. Mencken Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so -Bertrand Russell What I have been telling you, from alpha to omega, what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is miraculous. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to awaken at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to rejoice in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a tomato-can, it would not alter that big fact, nor my fixed faith. No Harrowby, the common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very dull we are ... -James Branch Cabell
March 24, 2014 - 10:58 a.m. This is going to be tough. I'm blogging a day behind. Can I remember what happened enough about what happened on Saturday to write it today? Probably not so I'll just make things up to fill in the blanks. I'm pretty sure I started the say eating bacon and eggs for breakfast. It's of course essential to mention bacon. At the Council of Elrond Gandalf went into great detail how he was held prisoner by Saruman. He followed that with: 'And that, Frodo, is the end of my account. May Elrond and the others forgive the length of it. But such a thing has not happened before, that Gandalf broke tryst and did not come when he promised. An account to the Ring-bearer of so strange an event was required, I think. So now I have to explain why I didn't blog yesterday. I was held in the tower of Orthanc by Saruman till I was rescued by an Eagle. No that's not it. That's that other guy whose name begins with a G. I was helping a friend. And not only was that more important than blogging. it was more important than getting to First Acoustics early to talk to Christine. As Chris is one of my favorite people in the universe that's saying something. Not that I was making a sacrifice. My friend's company more than made up for it. My friend Hugh O'Doherty was supposed to be Chris's opener. See the pic on his Sonic Bids Page? I took it . That's how we met. It was at Jack Hardy's memorial service. Yesterday I got an email and FB message from Hugh that he was sick and had to cancel. I talked to Coco and asked if she needed help getting a pinch-hitter from Hugh. I sent her a list of local musicians with their phone numbers. But she didn't need it because by chance she got a message from our mutual friend, the melodic Marci Geller, who wanted to know if there were still tickets available for the show. Coco said yes but how about I pay you to come and you open. So that's what happened. Instead of getting there before doors like I usually do I got there 25 minutes before show time. Coco knew I was on the guest list and knows I know Hugh and Chris and assumed what I'm sure you assumed that I was doing merch. I hadn't planned on it but when I walked in and Coco told me I took my accustomed spot at the merch table. I was very happy to see that it was a packed house and that was probably as good a seat as I could have gotten. Dan had been wondering where I was. He assumed I'd be there. A good assumptions. My seat was fine for Chris but not so great for Marci. She was at the piano for most of her set and I was on the far side. But I could hear her lovely voice and playing. I got to see her face when she ended her set on the guitar. Sorry the pics did not come out well. I would have just left them out but the pic of Chris is part of the story. I was not happy with the pic of Marci so I decided to walk up to the side of the stage and get one good pic of Chris. I went between songs so as to not disturb anyone. But Chris of course spotted me and of course stopped what she was saying to tell the story of me being on Jeopardy. We did our usual routine and I told everyone the final Jeopardy Question I got wrong. "When this company was founded in 1802 their only product was gunpowder." I bet you don't know it either. Anybody? It's Dupont. If it said "Delaware company" it would be reasonable.
I still get some butterflies when I get singled out from the stage. I love it but it makes me self-conscious. You'd think I'd be used to it by now. Public speaking and socializing is the one place that I've learned to overcome my anxieties. I feel them but I never let them stop me. Of course the anxiety is not at the pathological level it reaches at other times. Chris has about eight zillion CDS. I think that I have 30 of them. She doesn't bring them all to shows. She brought three. She did only one song found on one. Actually she brought four, She brought One Meatball her cookbook which comes with a CD. It is where I got my recipe for French Toast Bread Pudding. I use it as a cookbook. When people asked what to buy I pointed them in that direction. Chris did a ton of new songs. She hasn�t slowed down the pace at all. I wonder how many songs she's written? I bet she has no idea. After the show I got to socialize with Marci and Chris and to be Chris's roadie. I took her stuff out to the car. I didn't leave till midnight. Good thing it's only one train home from there and I didn't have to wait long. Yesterday I didn't do much so that's easy to catch up on. It was Roster Freeze day for my Fantasy Baseball league. That's one of the things that triggers anxiety but I was able to overcome it and send it in. My team is not looking so great going into the draft. We'll see how I do. I had to run to Trader Joe's for a few things before I made dinner. I somehow managed to not leave till 8 PM. And then when I passed the kitchen I saw that I never cleaned my breakfast dishes. I had made pancakes so there was lots of stuff. I felt terrible. It's a shared kitchen. But I was fortunate, nobody else used it all day. I tried something new with the pancakes. I made them on the griddle that's on the back of the stovetop griddle. It's nice as I can make four at a time then. It's not as easy to clean though and ways a ton. I will probably use it for now on. I made my soup. That came out great but I ate very late. I wasn't finished till after 11 PM. Good thing I had that huge breakfast. OK now there are leftover pancakes patiently waiting for me. I better eat them. Oh, I just realized that I'm not eating at home tonight. I have therapy till 4:30 then I have to be back at Rockwood at 7:00 actually as I don�t have tickets more like 6:30 so I don't have time to go home. I'm not sure when I'll eat the rest of the soup. It can be any other day till Friday. I have no plans till then after tonight. Anyone want to do anything with me? I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge: please hold me accountable.
Memories: Not that Horrid Song - May 29, 2018
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