I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity.
Edgar Allen Poe

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.
- H. L. Mencken

Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so
-Bertrand Russell

What I have been telling you, from alpha to omega, what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is miraculous. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to awaken at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to rejoice in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a tomato-can, it would not alter that big fact, nor my fixed faith. No Harrowby, the common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very dull we are ...
-James Branch Cabell

August 23, 2014 - 12:10 p.m.

Folk Chain

I didn't wake up till 9:40 today. I haven't slept that late in ages. I set my alarm for 8:30 on weekdays to play the WfUV Question of the Day and though I don't set the alarm I wake up near 8:00 on Sundays to listen to John Platt. I went to sleep sort of late then I woke up a few times. I was up at 5 AM because my eye was burning. I somehow touched it and had something on my hand. I had to go to the bathroom, wash my hands and then my eyes. I was dreaming when it started. Good thing that even in my dream I knew I needed to use eye wash.

Last night I stopped by Heather's to help her with something. That was convenient as I was going to Pete' Candy Store afterward which is also in Williamsburg, 0.8 miles away so I could walk. The problem was that I finished at Heather's at 6:15 and the show at Pete's wasn't till 8:00 I had to kill time. I figured I'd walk to Pete's and see if there were anyplace nearby I could hang out. I didn't find anything but remembered that the last time I saw Carey we saw Rachel Ries at Pete's then went to eat at Crif Dogs. You probably want to read about that as it was one of Carey and my epic days togehter, You're a Mean Old Daddy But I LIke You Fine . So I went off in search of Crif Dogs. Even though I had bison chili at Heather's I ordered a breakfast dog, a hot dog with bacon and an egg, and a red birch beer. That was yummy then I walked back to Pete's and was only 15 minutes or so early. That was good as I got a good seat and the place ended up packed with people sitting on the floor.

So I haven't told you why I was there, it was to see Kendy Gable's CD release party. Free Advice was on before her and I wanted to see both. The path from me to Kendy is a long one and goes back 12 years.

Back in 2002 Carey asked me if I wanted to go to a brand new festival with her in Maryland, the Susquehanna Music and Arts Festival. I saw that the Kennedys and SONiA were going to be there and said, yes. We were sitting in my camp loveseat watching some music on the main stage and one of the musicians came over and introduced himself. I was Brian Gundersdorf from We're About 9. We have been friends with Brian, Katie, and Pat ever since. In 2006 We're About 9 gave a house concert at Chris's that Pat couldn't make it to. For that show he was replaced by Abbie Gardner. Now you might expect the chain to go through Red Molly but it doesn't. In 2007 Abbie did a gig at Taste Budds with some 16-year-old kid, Anthony da Costa. Chris had seen them together once and it's Taste Budds which has great chocolate so we drove up to the high arctic, Red Hook NY, to see them. I became friends and a fan of Anthony There are a lot of steps in the chain, bear with me. In 2011 Anthony did a show at the Postcrypt, on the bill was Free Advice, that's the only time I had seen them, and Laura Dunn. Laura and Craig are on their honeymoon in Iceland now. As I know that you can guess that I became friends with Laura. In 2013 Laura did a show at the Sidewalk Caf�. I sat with her friends one of which was Kendy who joined her on some songs. I was impressed with her singing and Laura assured me that she could write too. A few weeks later I saw Laura's folk opera, The Snow Queen and Kendy was in the cast. I then rode the train with her, Mya, and Jen. I didn't mention Alex in my blog but I thought I remember her being there too. Maybe I was blanking on her name. So that's the chain, Brian-Abbie-Anthony-Laura-Kendy. Now 12 years after I met Brian I went to see Kendy do her own music for the first time. It's amazing that the chain is not just musical, I became friends with all the intermediaries. That is the folk music world in a nutshell.

I hadn�t seen Free Advice again since that first time and that wasn't even the full band, it was just two out of three and they billed themselves as Brother/Sister. Here's what I wrote about them.

I came in during the middle of Brother/Sister and took an immediately liking to them. They sound like they could have come straight out of the Anthology of American Folk Music. It was wonderful hearing young performers not just keeping that tradition alive but doing it so well. I listen to so much folk music but most if it wouldn't have been called that 60 years ago. This would. Their sound was pure, without artifice.
. Seeing the full band I'll stand by that. The three of them did the traditional semicircle around the condenser mic thing and made beautiful traditional music. I really need to see them more They belong at Jalopy, I wonder if they play there.

I was surprised that as Kendy prepared to go onstage she came over to my table and said, "Hi Gordon, is that my drink or yours?" We met twice a year and a half ago and she recognized me. Yes we are Facebook friends but I can never recognize anyone from their thumbnails. I didn't expect for her to remember that I existed. Despite what Lena says I am not a Freakazoid and despite what I say I am not a sexy sexy beast.

Kendy had me at her sound check when she sang "This is not the show this is just a sound check." She was joined by Caitlin Becker on keyboard and harmony vocals and Adam Chilenski on upright bass. Travis Rosenberg joined her on a few songs on pedal steel. There wasn't room for him on stage. He was right next to me

Laura was right, Kendy can write. She can also sing and arrange. I rarely talk about a singer's voice, it's not what I usually care about unless it is exceptional. Kendy's is exceptional. It's deep and smooth and the best way I could put it is that she has none of the things I hate about my voice. There are no rough edges; No sounds that don't belong. She did the entire album from beginning to end. And you know what? I don't have to describe it to you, you can listen. That's a beauty of bandcamp. You can embed songs and entire albums.

I'll be seeing her again. Maybe I'll discover somebody knew playing with her and grow the chain.

Before the show I was reading Lord of the Rings. This guy sitting across from me who I didn't know but seemed familiar asked "Have you read the Bathroom Book" or some similar title. He explained that its' a book of bathroom visit length excerpts from great books. What a great idea! And how cool that he asked me about it? It turns out that he's Jason Zuckor or at least I think that's who he was. He was on after Kendy but it was too late or me to stay. I saw him at that original Postcrypt show where I met Laura and his band Paper Swan played with her. So perhaps he knew who I am as I talked to them but I'm too stupid to recognize people. I probably got facts wrong too. But whatever he was cool and I should see him perform.

The show was in Williamsburg which is in Brooklyn but plays better with Manhattan transportation. I tried something different. I walked to the train and took it to Layfayette. Then I walked a few blocks to Atlantic Terminal where I could catch the home.

So that's a full entry, there was music, food, and commuting. The Visit Counter is now at 99,881. Remember to let me know if you are visitor 100,000. I'm expecting that to happen on Monday. Now to make breakfast. I bought matzo so I'll make matzo brei.

I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge:
please hold me accountable.

Memories: Not that Horrid Song - May 29, 2018
Wise Madness is Now In Session - May 28, 2018
The NFL and the First Amendment - May 27, 2018
On The Road Again - May 26, 2018
Oliver the Three-Eyed Crow - May 25, 2018

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Horvendile August 23, 2014
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