I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity.
Edgar Allen Poe

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.
- H. L. Mencken

Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so
-Bertrand Russell

What I have been telling you, from alpha to omega, what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is miraculous. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to awaken at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to rejoice in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a tomato-can, it would not alter that big fact, nor my fixed faith. No Harrowby, the common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very dull we are ...
-James Branch Cabell

August 13, 2013 - 11:07 a.m.

A Time and a Season for Love

I am on a live music binge, yesterday made four nights in a row. Tonight makes it five. I can't help it if there is great music out there that I can't miss. I'm still catching up on Falcon Ridge so I'm leaving out everything else and keeping things short.

Yesterday was week two of Genius Jean Rohe's three-week residency at Rockwood Music Hall. I had to miss week one because of Falcon Ridge. Instead of playing with the End of the World band it's just Ilusha and a guest each week. I was surprised when I got there to find it was Rockwood 1. The End of the World shows are always in 2.

It was packed when I got there so I decided to wait outside for the 8:00 crowd to head out and was rewarded when Jean showed up and as she couldn't go in and set up I talked to her, Ilusha, her guest Harpist Maeve Gilchrist and Jean's housemate Andy. How cool is Andy? This is what he does, Shadow Organ Theater, Shadow Puppets! I told him that if Jean plays the Budgiedome he is invite to give a performance. Who is for shadow puppets at the Budgiedome?

On some songs Jean was solo, on others joined by Ilusha and Maeve. Seeing Jean stripped down demonstrates her as a songwriter. She doesn't need a big sound and sophisticated orchestration to grab you. Some of the subject matter was reminiscent of Dar Williams though the songs were not. She still does it her way. Maeve was great. It's fun just watching her play the harp, she dances as she plays. I've never seen a standing harpist. Maybe I have but never a dancing one. She can sing and write songs too. All that and an enchanting Scottish accent. I signed up for her mailing list. Maybe she can make the Budgiedome. she lives in Boston. I'd love to have a harpist. She's be the only one at the Festival. Members of the End of the World band were in the audience and joined them for the finale, Jean's "Nobody Told Us To Dance." That might be my song of the year.

Not too bad got through that in less than 400 words and I think I made it clear that Jean is amazing.

Speaking of amazing we are up to Sunday morning at Falcon Ridge. You all know what that means, Gospel Wakeup. I usually hope that nobody I like plays it as it means getting down the hill early. Some years I'll stay up the hill and run down when the Kennedys do Stand,. This year there was Pete and Maura, Vance, Red Molly, and Mike & Dave aka They Might Be Jian'ts (my name for them). I could not keep away from that and was joined by Lori and Steve. Once a Fr�head always a Fr�head. Poor Vance he had to follow TMBJ. They're idea of gospel is Dave's song about raccoons. I wish I could remember what else they played. Vance was great complaining about their songs. "They're idea of a deity is a raccoon." Vance's songs were actual gospel but the right half of the stage was as funny as all hell. The left half, The Kennedys and Red Molly played it straight. That is not a complaint, we are talking the two bands I've done the merch for the most often. These are my people. Often I'm the only one that stands for Stand but at FRFF everyone joins me. I started the tradition the first time they played it there and it continues. Remember you don't stand till they sing the chorus, "Come on and stand � " A few people jumped the gun. Lori and I got up right on cue. Yes I'm a gospel fascist.

After the set we went to talk to Mike and Dave about coming up to the Budgieome. They said they'd try between workshops. They had two others plus they joined the Nields on their set. I had a problem, Brianne and Honor wanted to leave early but I didn't want to miss TMBJ. Lori suggested that as she had her car in addition to Steve with the truck she could drive me home on Monday. That was perfect as I didn't then have to figure out how to get my stuff back from Jersey to my storage in Queens. That was well worth missing my therapy for.

We built the Budgiedome for Fr�heads back in 2000 and 13 years later we finally got a visit from a Fr�lad, Dave made it up the hill. I have proof!

I've grown a bit tired of the Beatles Workshop, I'd rather just see the Kennedys do they're Beatles medley but TMBJ was there too so once again the Fr�heads made their way down the hill, Once again ignoring the them Mike and Dave performed as The Cocksure Lads, a 60s British Invasion group that somehow was off everyone's Radar till a few years ago. They are so much better than the Beatles. Those Liverpool lads weren't bad though and the workshop was great.

After that I spent my only serious festival time on the Midway. I usually spend a lot more time there. What's great is that I can't walk 20 feet without meeting someone I know. I love he Falcon Ridge community. I found Brad and Jason selling FRFF money. Yes they are money changers! Somebody call Jesus. I love that they played the Emerging Artists but still volunteered. I am of course totally brainless and forgot the other wonderful people I talked to.

Because I didn't leave early and we saved breaking down the Budgiedome till Monday Steve and I got to see Spuyten Duyvil's main stage set. I didn't lay down a tarp, we just squatted down front. I waited too long to write this. It ended up being the tarp of a friend and I forgot who. If you see them tell me and feel free to call me an idiot. You know it is for lack of brains not love of you that I forgot.

I listened to the closing dirge at the Budgiedome. I really wish they got a new song. My vote is for Gentles Arms of Eden by Dave Carter.

For dinner we brought what food we had, hot dogs and the second sausage that I didn't know Mel had given me and cooked it at the Steeple Coffeehouse's camp's grill as we ate with them. We spent the evening over there. There was a magic campfire where we lyrically challenged amateurs sang songs. I made my song circle debut when I did an a capella rendition of my original "I've Got the You Don't Wanna Play With Me Blues." I never sang that for a group before. It was dark and I couldn't see them and they couldn't see me. That made it easier. It actually went over pretty well. I explained some star lore to Joe and Emily's daughter. She loves that and Emily asked me to and I love to explain it. It was as good a way to spend an evening as there is. Wouldn't you want to go camping with dear friends and sing songs? Who needs a festival? Well I do but I love that too. Later we were joined by the people from Taste Budds! I explained that I only go to Falcon Ridge for their chocolate and the music is just a bonus.

I had broken down my tent earlier and I spent the night on the third bed in Lori and Steve's trailer That was nice.

On Monday, yes I'm doing two days at once. I'm going to finish this epic, we took down the Budgiedome as the Steeple People took down their camp. Of course we started with breakfast with them. As we were getting the last part done Emily brought over some leftover bacon for us to eat on the ride home. Give me a break. Did she really think that would last till we left? We don�t' have that sort of self control.

We got everything packed in the trailer and the truck, we said out goodbyes and headed out. LORi and I followed my tradition of 15 years and ate at the Chief Martindale Diner. Not only do they have great reasonably priced food but they have flush toilets and running water! We took full advantage. We also had a nice talk with the people that work there. I really do love that place. I heavily recommend the chicken fried steak. I had never tried that before. Maybe it's new. It's great.

LORi and I spent the ride home making fun of Jian or as Mike and Dave would put it one of "the losers who weren't there because they are in jail." LORi and I are very silly. Unfortunately we missed the Dunkin' Donuts on the Hutch where I planned on taking over the driving so LORi had to drive through the City to my storage.

Oh there's an idiot story, a good one. A few weeks ago I got rid of the keys on my keychain that I don't use. Why did I need a key to my old desk at school? It hit me on the ride down. Because it wasn't the key to my old desk, it was the key to the padlock on my locker. How magical is Falcon Ridge? I didn't have an anxiety attack about it. I said they'll cut off the lock and I'll buy a new one from them. That's exactly what happened. I thought I might have trouble fitting all my camping gear but I didn't. things went smoothly. I then drove to my rooming house with a little help from the GPS, not much. I could have done it without it. Lori came in to use the bathroom then had to head out to pick up her cat. I collapsed in my bed.

So that's the epic saga of Falcon Ridge 2013. My Gentle Readers should give themselves a hand for making it through the seven million word I spent writing about it. Now we return to unreal life till next year when Falcon Ridge appears like Brigadoon and all is right in the world.

I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge:
please hold me accountable.

Memories: Not that Horrid Song - May 29, 2018
Wise Madness is Now In Session - May 28, 2018
The NFL and the First Amendment - May 27, 2018
On The Road Again - May 26, 2018
Oliver the Three-Eyed Crow - May 25, 2018

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Horvendile August 13, 2013
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