I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity. Edgar Allen Poe
The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all. - H. L. Mencken Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so -Bertrand Russell What I have been telling you, from alpha to omega, what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is miraculous. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to awaken at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to rejoice in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a tomato-can, it would not alter that big fact, nor my fixed faith. No Harrowby, the common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very dull we are ... -James Branch Cabell
October 29, 2017 - 12:39 p.m. I had a normal night's sleep. I'm wide awake now. Maybe I'm out of that sleepy spell. I'm also out of Sertraline, this might be cause and effect. I'm seeing my psychiatrist tomorrow, I'll discuss it with her. Don't you love the way I lead with mental health not the exciting things I did? And I did do exciting things. Two of my favorite performers, Matt Nakoa and Heather Aubrey Lloyd at Common Ground Community Concerts. To make things even better those are two of Fred's favorite performers. so I got a ride. Fred lives on Long Island, the Common Ground is in Westchester, Matt and Heather are so good that they are worth the trip. Carter, the head honcho of Common Ground, has a deal with the oil companies to book acts that will draw audiences from great distance. Here are the shows I went to or plan on going to. A * indicates the show is at Irvington Town Hall Red Molly*Pretty damn impressive. Will I see you there? Getting there was a bit of an adventure. Fred put "Common Ground Coffeehouse" into Google Maps and followed the directions. It took us a strange way, but I thought it was to avoid traffic. When we arrived we weren't at the Coffee House? We were at a place in Dobb's Ferry where Carter had a series one summer, years ago. Oy! I blame myself. I should have told Fred to Double Check as I knew Google used to point people to a Church in Dobbs Ferry that used to host many of the shows. I fixed that. Before I started writing I fixed this error too. When I realized what happened I had Fred put in First Unitarian Church of Westchester, and we arrived just before doors opened. I did the merch, so I had to be there early. This was especially important as Carter threw his back out and couldn't be there. Heather's merch was set up but not Matt's. I went to the green room to check in with them. I got my Heather and Matt hugs. Even though I was late Heather knew I'd be there. No way I'd miss this, same for Fred. Heather's fiancé Richard was there, did we hug? I don't think so. Next time. He's now part of my musical family by marriage. Good thing I approve of him or the wedding would be off. Heather and Matt are two of Fred's favorite photographic subjects. He brought his camera, but the front row seats were sold out, so he wasn't sure if he'd be taking pictures. When I came out of the green room I told him that he had to as Heather's hair was different, less voluminous. Her hair usually has its own area code. It wasn't shorter it was straighter. I suspect Matt's hair would be similar if he let it grow. Mine was, when I had hair. Heather was the opener. I had that moment that I sometimes have with artists that I love and see often where I realize she has a great voice. It's hardly ever what attracts me to a singer. One of the items in my diary ideas bin is, "why Dylan is a great singer." This is where I wish I knew more. Is Heather an alto or a mezzo with lots of bottom? Whatever it is, it's beautiful. What I have always noticed is that it's powerful and passionate. Heather sells a song as well as anyone. That's more important that pitch control or range. It's what makes Billie Holiday with her one octave range and no vocal pyrotechnics, Billie Holiday. Not that Heather sounds in the least bit like Billie. It's that they share the gift of making the listener feel what the singer feels. Damn. She also writes in her own voice, you read the lyrics and you know it's a Heather song. It's not sensitive girl with a guitar. Sometimes she doesn't even play guitar but the cajon, other shows it's the djembe. It takes cajons to sing only accompanied by a drum. I wonder if I'm sending some of you to dictionaries or Google. Matt and Heather have known each other for ages. I was disappointed that Heather didn't tell the story of their meeting. She told it to me at Falcon Ridge. It's a great story and I won't spoil it. Heather next show with Matt tell it. Even better write a song about it. Matt is a musical polymath. He's a conservatory trained pianist that also plays electric and acoustic guitar. His genre is music. He does folk, rock, folk-rock, jazz, and I'm sure he could play klezmer or Celtic if he wanted to. Both Heather and Matt are dynamic. Matt can play like Jerry Lee Lewis or Elvis Presley. Mostly he plays like himself. I have my Matt hierarchy, piano > electric guitar > guitar. He's a good folky, he's a great rocker/jazzman/whateverelseyouwanttocallit. The best parts of the show were Matt and Heather playing together. They have chemistry. They should work up a show and go on tour together. They practiced for hours to get ready for last night. A full show of collaborating would take a lot of work, but it would be worth it. That's easy to say when I'm not the one doing the work. It's so nice getting a ride home. From Common Ground that saves me at least an hour plus the time waiting for the train. I don't mind as much going as I can time it, so I don't wait long for the train. I can't control when I leave. There weren't that many friends there, Perry & Beth and Peter and Paula. All their names start with plosives. Writing observations as they come to me is my favorite part of blogging. When we were drinking coffee, Fred said it might perk him up. For the first time it hit me. Does that use of perk come from perking coffee? This has taken a long time to write. I better finish this and make breakfast. The weather is miserable, so I am not going to go out. I should be ripping CDs, but I might spend my time binge watching Inhumans till I'm caught up and then start in on Stranger Things. Tonight, I'll watch the World Series. I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge: please hold me accountable.
Memories: Not that Horrid Song - May 29, 2018
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