I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity.
Edgar Allen Poe

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.
- H. L. Mencken

Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so
-Bertrand Russell

What I have been telling you, from alpha to omega, what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is miraculous. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to awaken at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to rejoice in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a tomato-can, it would not alter that big fact, nor my fixed faith. No Harrowby, the common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very dull we are ...
-James Branch Cabell

December 11, 2017 - 11:56 a.m.

Side by Side by Darlingside

I tried an experiment yesterday, writing my blog on Google Docs while I was at WFUV. I finished it, was going to post it when I hit a snag. I'm posting it now. I promised a new entry today, that's not happening; just this introduction. That's because I slept late this morning. I never used to do this but now I make up for lost sleep. Last night I went straight from Fordham University to the Knick game at Madison Square Garden. It was an excellent game; the Knicks beat the Hawks 111 – 107. Porzingis scored 30 points; it's nice having a superstar on the team. I got to hang out with Alan. The cost was that I had to miss the last two hours of John Platt's show. I volunteered for 11 hours yesterday and that still hurts me; I still feel guilty.

I noticed that my therapy is helping me with supervising. I take annoyances better; I'm more accepting of other people's faults. I don't even remember the event that put that in focus. I do remember some of the annoying people on the subway. I'm not going to write about them.

I missed one of the most important things that happened yesterday; Ryan made cookies. I wrote about Megan, the other host of Ceol na nGael but not him. That's because I didn't see him till after I finished writing. I found a container of homemade cookies in the fridge. I tasted them; they were fantastic. I knew they were his. The way to my heart is through my stomach.

I see I never wrote about most of the drive. We had computer problems every day. A few problems the supervisors learned how to fix, others we had to call the engineers. George the head of engineering told us to not try to fix things as they have to keep track of everything that's been done. Yesterday there were no engineers around, so I tried. I failed. All I could manage was putting "out of order" signs on them.

I've gotten better at learning the names of the students. I told Bria, short for Brianna, that I'd write about her. It's pronounced Bree so it's easy for me to remember because of Bri. There is also a Brenna that's been at the station for a while. The default name for women at Fordham now is some variation of Megan. Oh no, I was about to say that I remember another student's name and I forgot it. I can see him. I remember Haley! The ridiculous mnemonic worked, picturing her with a comet. I know the comet is pronounced Hall-ee. I remember the other one's name. And his name, shall be called. Emanuel! I'm all about the mnemonics.

Oh great, so now I spent time writing this and didn't do my usual morning routine. I'll do that after eating. I should have just posted what I wrote yesterday and come back and written this. See how much I love My Gentle Readers?

Here's what I wrote yesterday.

I’m trying something new, writing this from WFUV on Google Docs. I don’t have my macros so I’m not going to include links. I am making a great sacrifice to write this I got four hours sleep last night and I could take a nap now, the pledge drive takes an hour break during mass, but instead I’m writing Wise Madness. The more I think about it the less wise this is. I wrote that, decided I'd take a nap, then the phone rang and I’m awake. I could be smart and try and fall asleep; that would be the mature thing to do.

I took my nap. Now I’m blogging as i supervise during Ceol na nGael. I’m supposed to have four volunteers, i only have one so I’ll be answering phones too. The volunteer is Megan’s mother; Megan is one of the hosts, the other is Ryan; they are both Fordham students. WFUV was a college station until 1989 when it became a public radio station. They kept two shows for the students, Ceol, and One on One New York’s longest running sports call-in show.

So much for my not burying the lede; today i needed to get my motor running

I volunteer at the drive every day except Saturday. I usually stay in then so i can get some rest. Last night I didn’t; Darlingside was playing at Irvington Town Hall. It was part of the Common Ground series that Carter runs, and I always volunteer when it’s an artist i love. I might have skipped one during the drive but Darlingside does not play around here that often and they are special.

Because of the timing the trek up there had an extra step; after taking two buses, i had to take a subway to the MetroNorth. Darlingside is worth the effort and worth missing sleep for. I didn’t get home till 1:10 AM and i had to wake up at 6.

I helped with the merch. I am usually in charge of the merch but Jon, who was the guest trumpeter with the band also did the merch.
The first time I saw Darlingside there were sound problems and i didn’t give them my full attention; i was not impressed. That was the last time they didn’t impress me. It is my great shame that I didn’t recognize their genius even under less than ideal circumstances. One of my dream bills is Darlingside with Harpeth Rising. Both bands have more chops than a karate tournament and intricate, ethereal harmonies. Darlingside plays old school, around a single condenser mic. They feature guitar, mandolin, fiddle, bass, and cello. They have a new addition, a primitive electronic instrument akin to a mini piano with buttons instead of keys. Don was worried that as a folky I’d be offended. I loved it. Darlingside is one of the easy recommendation, they have a beautiful sound for the casual listener and depth for those that want more.

There was no opening act, they did two 45-minute sets, but there was a short subject. Next Common Ground show at Irvington is Birds of Chicago and they showed a promotional video before Darlingside played. That should be enough to make anyone want to see BoC. If you are free on February 3 and can get to Irvington, you should go. I’m even going to give you a link. Here is Info on the show and here is the link to buy tickets. I’m expecting you to be there, so you might as well buy the tickets now.

The buses sync up terribly on the way home. I had a 25-minute wait for the BX29. I made the best of the situation and bought dinner at the Texas barbecue place where I always grab late dinner. It’s by the bus stop. I was good and didn’t go online when i got home,

I spent today at WFUV. We are still having computer problems. It’s the last day of the drive. Most of the volunteers are not experienced and we’ve been shorthanded until recently. I’ve had a lot to do. Tonight, I’m going to the Knick game. I should have more to write about tomorrow, I’ll be back to my normal schedule.

I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge:
please hold me accountable.

Memories: Not that Horrid Song - May 29, 2018
Wise Madness is Now In Session - May 28, 2018
The NFL and the First Amendment - May 27, 2018
On The Road Again - May 26, 2018
Oliver the Three-Eyed Crow - May 25, 2018

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Horvendile December 11, 2017
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