I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity.
Edgar Allen Poe

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all.
- H. L. Mencken

Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so
-Bertrand Russell

What I have been telling you, from alpha to omega, what is the one great thing the sigil taught me — that everything in life is miraculous. For the sigil taught me that it rests within the power of each of us to awaken at will from a dragging nightmare of life made up of unimportant tasks and tedious useless little habits, to see life as it really is, and to rejoice in its exquisite wonderfulness. If the sigil were proved to be the top of a tomato-can, it would not alter that big fact, nor my fixed faith. No Harrowby, the common names we call things by do not matter — except to show how very dull we are ...
-James Branch Cabell

2001-10-20 - 5:05 p.m.

Can't draw, Can't sing, What can I do?

I don't really have much to write today. I am in the process of changing the layout of my diary. You might notice that the rings are gone from the main page; they were taking too long to load so now they get a page of their own. That was actually my last entry but I didn't want to leave that

So why don't I know HTML better? It is exactly the kind of thing I should know, and it is the kind of thing I tend to be very good at. How can I not know something that lets me express myself visually using my programming skills, which are good instead of my drawing skills, which are non-existent? If you think my singing is bad, wait to you see my artwork. Of course I can't resist doing either. I often subject my class to my artwork in the context of diagramming word problems. The other day I gave a problem that involved Robbie and Mike Clem, from EFO, having a race. I drew stick figured of both of them. I made sure to give Mike hair and a beard and to give Robbie neither. Too bad I forgot to give Robbie glasses. I did that to make Shelly and Carey happy. But that's not my point. Here's my point, I'm a lousy artist and singer but I love doing both. I have actually caught myself singing in class too.

Now if I can only find my HTML book I can start really learning it. I have the new layout all planned but I don't know how to execute it. I have gotten one compliment on the change of background already. Thank you Jaci. Readability and ease of navigation are two things that I am striving for.

I really can't think of more to write today so I think I'll put another poem at the end of this entry. This might be my favorite poem.

Kubla Khan
By Samuel Taylor Coleridge

In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.

So twice five miles of fertile ground
With walls and towers were girdled round:
And here were gardens bright with sinuous rills,
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree,
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.

But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted
Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!
A savage place; as holy and enchanted
As e'er beneath a waning moon was haunted
By woman wailing for her demon-lover!
And from this chasm, with ceaseless turmoil seething,
As if this earth in fast thick pants were breathing,
A mighty fountain momently was forced,
Amid whose swift half-intermitted burst
Huge fragments vaulted like rebounding hail,
Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher's flail:
And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and ever
It flung up momently the sacred river.
Five miles meandering with a mazy motion
Through wood and dale the sacred river ran,
Then reached the caverns measureless to man,
And sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean:
And 'mid this tumult Kubla heard from far
Ancestral voices prophesying war!

The shadow of the dome of pleasure
Floated midway on the waves;
Where was heard the mingled measure
From the fountain and the caves.
It was a miracle of rare device,
A sunny pleasure dome with caves of ice!

A damsel with a dulcimer
In a vision once I saw:
It was an Abyssinian maid,
And on her dulcimer she played,
Singing of Mount Abora.
Could I revive within me
Her symphony and song,

To such a deep delight 'twould win me,
That with music loud and long,
I would build that dome in air,
That sunny dome! Those caves of ice!
And all who heard should see them there,
And all should cry, Beware! Beware!
His flashing eyes, his floating hair!
Weave a circle round him thrice,
And close your eyes with holy dread,
For he on honey dew hath fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise.

I signed the Pro-Truth Pledge:
please hold me accountable.

Memories: Not that Horrid Song - May 29, 2018
Wise Madness is Now In Session - May 28, 2018
The NFL and the First Amendment - May 27, 2018
On The Road Again - May 26, 2018
Oliver the Three-Eyed Crow - May 25, 2018

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Horvendile 2001-10-20
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